For my first project I made a CLI application that can tell you different facts about characters, episodes and locations of the TV show: Rick and Morty. It calls on an API abuot Rick and Morty and sets different objects for each character, episode and location. To do this I had to make different classes for each one, and design the relationship between the objects. I first called on the episodes and locations information to later be able to initialize characters with locations and episodes.
In the character class I made a custom setter episode =(argument)
and a origin =(argument)
, these methods take in a url, get the id of the instance, searches for the that particular instance in the episode or location class, and finally, adds it to an instance variable in that character instance.
I have always liked stimulating the left side of my brain. In first grade, I discovered chess and I thought it was an amazing game, so that year for my birthday, all I asked for was my very own chess set. In school, subjects like math and science always stood out to me the most. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in a field that challenges my logic thinking. I also find music very intriguing; I tried a few instruments that didn’t quite fit in with me until I played the guitar for the first time when I was twelve, and I haven’t stopped since. I love creating and learning new things; software engineering is the perfect mix of both, being creative and using logic. I’m two weeks into my program at Flatiron school; I’m loving it and I am very excited to learn more and create more.