For my first project I made a CLI application that can tell you different facts about characters, episodes and locations of the TV show: Rick and Morty. It calls on an API abuot Rick and Morty and sets different objects for each character, episode and location. To do this I had to make different classes for each one, and design the relationship between the objects. I first called on the episodes and locations information to later be able to initialize characters with locations and episodes.
In the character class I made a custom setter episode =(argument)
and a origin =(argument)
, these methods take in a url, get the id of the instance, searches for the that particular instance in the episode or location class, and finally, adds it to an instance variable in that character instance.
def episode=(url_array)
episode_array = url_array.collect do |episode_url|
array = episode_url.split("/")
last_peice = array[-1].to_i
episode_obj = Episode.all.detect {|episode| == last_peice}
@episode = episode_array
def origin=(url)
array = url.split("/")
last_peice = array[-1].to_i
location_obj = Location.all.detect {|episode| == last_peice}
@origin = location_obj
In the location and episode classes I made a characters
method in the episode class and residents
method in the location class . These are very similar. This method looks through all of the characters, checks thorugh the characters episodes or origin, and if instance the method is being called on matches with on of the characters attributes instances, they get displayed.
def characters
character_array = []
Character.all.each do |character|
character.episode.each do |episode_char|
if episode_char == self
character_array << character
def residents
resident_array ={|resident| resident.origin == self}
This way only the character class keeps track of the relationship and the rest just check to see if they match with a certain character. It keeps it simpler and less likely to get realationship related bugs.