
Making a the event of a button scroll to an html element with React

I’m going to show you how to make the onClick event of a button scroll down to an especific html element. This is actually surprisingly easy, it only takes about ten minutes at most.

React Redux Project

For my react project I built an app called Cleans. This app helps people hire someone to hire their living space. It has two kind of users: one user can post jobs adn hire someone, the othe user can look at all of the available jobs and apply to them, which could potentially get them hired for the job. Since jobs have different statuses (new, pending, and completed) and the jobs that a the two kinds of users are going to see are completely different, I needed to write two filtering algorithm to separate the jobs into their own category. One of my challenges implementing these algorithms was: where is the best place to put these algorithms?

JavaScript project

For my JavaScript project I built an app called choremates. This app allows you to organize house chores between everyone in the house. You can create a schedule with chores for everyone to contribute to the cleanliness of the house. The challenge I faced building this project was to keep my code organize and make it DRY. Since this is my first project with jacvascript, I was lost to how the code should look, but along the way I started to grasp what that should look like.

Rails Project

For my rails project I made a webapp called WorkoutBuddy, and like the name suggests, with this app you can create workout plans with exercises, and also, add them to your calendar. So you can keep track of your own workout schedule. You can also share your workouts with everyone, so anyone else can add them to their schedule.

Sinatra Project

My project is a forum for guitar players and ethusiast. I chose to do it specifically for guitar players because I am very passionate about guitars, and helping this community connect is a rewarding feeling.